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The myth of 'non-shed' coats

All coats shed even 'non shed' fleece and wool coats still shed. That includes the Poodle, Bichon, Maltese, Shih Tzu, West Highland White Terrier, wool and fleece coat 'oodles like Labradoodles and Spoodles, the Tibetan Terrier, Havanese, Portuguese Water Dog, Soft Coat Wheaten Terrier... every 'non-shed' breed. They all shed.

However, instead of dead coat dropping to the ground or on furniture, coming off in your hand when patted, or on your clothing, in 'non shed' coats that dead coat gets trapped in the coatThe rate of shedding is often lower, as the coat growth cycle tends to be slower with non-shed breeds. Non-shed coats also tend to not have that 'doggy smell' and are less likely to be oily or need regular baths. Dirt can often be left to dry then easily brushed out.

Because that dead coat gets trapped in the coat, this makes most non-shed coats much higher maintenance than shedding coats. That stuck coat can quickly form knots and mats unless removed with regular brushing (daily to weekly brushing). Owning a non-shed breed requires more investment in both time and money for grooming. A visit to the groomer every 1 to 2 months is common, depending on how much maintenance you want to do at home. The longer you want the coat to be, or the less often you want to go to the groomer, the more time you need to invest in regular brushing and knot removal. Tangles form knots, and knots form mats. Mats can quickly become a health concern, causing discomfort for your pet, and can cause nasty skin infections.