Should I get curved or straight scissors?
It can be great to have a few pairs of scissors, as each type of scissor is designed for different uses. Sometimes the budget will only allow for one pair of scissors, and if so, it can be hard to choose just one! If you have decided you either want a pair of straight or curved scissors but just cant decide between the two, then keep reading!
Straight Scissors:
A straight scissor has two, solid, straight blades. They are the easiest to get used to using as they are so similar to paper scissors. Straight scissors are a very popular all-round workhorse scissor. They can be used to remove large sections of hair, to trim any uneven areas that your clipper may have missed, or to tidy up areas such as the tail, ears and face. Straight scissors are great when you want to create uniform, straight lines on your groom, however they do tend to leave blunt cut lines when compared to other scissors, such as blenders or chunkers. They can be very handy for trimming down the legs, or for scissoring under the belly or the tail. Straight scissors can be used to create curved lines, however usually does require some skill for an even result. For this reason, many groomers turn to their curved scissors when grooming rounded areas, as they help to create smoother, rounded lines in less time and with less effort.
To shop our straight scissors, click here.

Curved Scissors:
Curved scissors have two, solid, curved blades. They are used for following body contours and setting the right angles and curves. As almost no part of a dogs body is perfectly straight, many groomers find using curved scissors easier to use when styling and shaping towards the end of the groom. They leave a smoother outline and finish, and save time versus trying to achieve curves using straight scissors. They are particularly handy for shaping teddy bear heads, poodle pom-poms, round feet, round tails and ears, as well as the inside of the back legs when used with the curve facing away from the dog. Curves tend to quickly become favourites once you get used to them.
To shop our curved scissors, click here.