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Bio-Groom Econo Groom Dilution Rate

Over the years we have had requests for the highest dilution rate formula available. Econo Groom made by Bio-Groom is the highest dilution rate shampoo available at 50:1. As the stated dilution ratio on the packaging is 16:1 compared to Double K Ultimate shampoo at 50:1 we asked Bio-Groom’s laboratory in Texas to look into this for AllGroom customers. 

What they discovered after extensive testing is that the concentration of the active ingredients in the Double K  shampoo is identical to the concentration found in the Bio-Groom Econo-Groom. We then went further and queried why the difference in ratio, and were told “it depends how you use it” .

If you are hand washing, and require a rich foaming shampoo, the required concentration needs to be at a lower ratio of 16:1, whereas if using a power cleanser, such as a hydrobath or similar, where water used is under pressure or power agitated (not hand washing), then the amount of shampoo you need to use for either brand is exactly the same, 50:1.  

We enquired why this was not advertised on their bottles. Bio- Groom, being the conservative company it is, said that they will only advise dilution under hand-washing conditions for all of their shampoos.

Market testing locally

We have since received feedback from professional groomers that local NZ testing using Econo-Groom alongside Double K Ultimate  showed identical results  (with the comment coming back that Bio-Groom Econo-Groom was preferred).